Kids’ curiosity creates Christmas questions
My own kids are starting to ask some probative questions about Santa and his activities. They may be starting to figure out the holes in the story. In this article I’ll answer some of kids’ frequently asked questions. Hopefully, it can act as a guide for adults while fending off their inquisitive minds for another year.
Here are some questions from kids about Santa and Christmas in general.
• How did Santa and Mrs. Claus meet?
Santa met his wife, Gertrude, when she was working concessions at a carnival. As the story goes, she fell madly in love with Santa after he came back for his seventh helping of cotton candy. She thought he was coming back all those times to see her. Really, he’s a huge fan of cotton candy.
• Did Santa and his wife ever have any kids?
Yes. That is until they had to deal with diapers, formula, crying, and all that post natal stuff. They both agreed that dealing with children only once a year versus all year long was a better idea. Who could blame them?
• How come Santa didn’t bring some of the toys on my list?
Kids make Christmas lists that could put ransom letters to shame. Also, Santa doesn’t negotiate with terrorists. If there were items left off your list, it was probably because of something you did.
• How many elves work at the North Pole and what does Santa pay them?
Technically, Santa’s elves are undocumented workers. So, they aren’t paid a working wage and they would not qualify for medical coverage under the new healthcare plan. Living at the North Pole also gets Santa a nice little tax shelter. There aren’t any labor laws there, either.
• How can I get my parents to let me play with the manger and the animals?
Forget it. You’re parents won’t budge. My son keeps using our nativity scene as a playset for his Star Wars figures. The other day I found the three wise men bringing gifts to the baby Yoda. If you do it, my advice is don’t get caught. If you have to ask for something, forgiveness is better than permission.
• My older brother says there’s no such thing as Santa. Is that true?
Of course there’s a Santa. Who else would bring you a bunch of things you don’t want like socks and underwear? You’ll see. Besides, there’s no empirical evidence to support the existence of older brothers.
• How does Santa get into a house without a chimney?
He uses lock picks. Before Santa got into the gift business he worked as a repo man for a loan company. Locks are no obstacle for the jolly man.
• How will I know if I’m on the “nice” or “naughty” list?
If you’re on the naughty list, you’ll get an e-mail from Santa that starts off “Dear Tiger Woods...”
Merry Christmas, everyone!